Delicious is a very useful resource for saving bookmarks, especially for people who use multiple computers or for those who want to share specific web links with others. Having your Internet favorites and links stored on-line allows you to access them quickly from any computer around the world. The other nice thing about Delicious is that you can neatly organize your favorites into folders. Delicious is very user friendly and easy to learn. Delicious will allow me to put websites online for my students to easily access. If I want my students to visit several websites of choice while doing research on a specific topic, I could put all of these sites in a folder in Delicious and then I could have my students access them quickly from any computer within the lab. This will save a lot of trouble of emailing the links to the students.
Now that I know about Delicious, such a web page is no longer needed.
The Marzano teaching and learning strategies that are applied while students visit websites listed on my Delicious page or when they set up their own Delicious page are the following:
Marzano 9:
2 - Summarizing and Note-Taking
7 - Setting Objectives and Providing Feedback
9 - Utilizing Questions, Cues, and Advanced Organizers